Sunday, April 27

Prothonotary Warbler and Common Loon. Photos courtesy of Dr. Frode Jacobsen.


Warblermania! (HIKING/DRIVING)
7:00 am – 10:30 am
Scott Housten & Jared Parks
Meeting Location: 
Pocomoke River Canoe Company, located at 2 River St, Snow Hill, MD 21863

Please note: Dress and prepare for hiking on trails that may be wet and muddy. Waterproof boots are recommended. Please prepare for ticks. Be sure to bring insect repellent. For information about preventing tickborne diseases, please click here.

Warblermania! will help you add neotropical migrants to your weekend tally. The property along Mt. Olive Church Road is managed by The Nature Conservancy, and features protected upland forest and bald cypress swamps of Nassawango Creek. We typically find more than 10 warbler species here, including Prothonotary, Worm-eating, and Prairie Warblers, American Redstarts, Northern Parulas, and other birds of the Pocomoke River watershed. You will meet your guides at the Pocomoke River Canoe Company and caravan from there.

Warblermania! at Mt. Olive Church Road.

Cape Henlopen State Park (DRIVING/HIKING)
Time: 8:00 – 11:00 am
Cost: $30/person
Guides: Chris Bennett & Anthony Gonzon
Meeting Location: Fishing Pier parking lot at Cape Henlopen State ParkGPS coordinates: 38.785857, -75.101570

Please note: Cost does not include the entry fee for Cape Henlopen State Park. Access is granted with a Delaware State Parks annual pass, or with a day-use fee of $5/vehicle with DE tags or $10/vehicle with out-of-state tags. Click here for more information.

Brown-headed Nuthatch, photo courtesy of Dr. Frode Jacobsen.

Meet your guides at the Fishing Pier Parking Lot at Cape Henlopen State Park for an overview of the morning’s itinerary. This largest state park in Delaware has much to offer birders in the spring. Located where the Delaware Bay meets the Atlantic, the park contains pitch pine forest, forested wetland, tidal marsh, dunes and beach habitats that support a wide array of bird life. After scoping the water at the fishing pier, we’ll caravan to birding hotspots within the park, including a feeder watch at the Nature Center and scanning the beach and mudflats at The Point for shorebirds.

Neotropicals on the Nassawango – Red House Road to Nassawango Bridge (KAYAK/CANOE)
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
$65/person sharing a tandem kayak or canoe ($130 total), $90/person solo kayak, $60/person with your own boat & portage (please note: cost includes 11% tax added to rentals by Pocomoke River Canoe Co.)
Russ Kovach & Guide TBD
Meeting Location: Pocomoke River Canoe Company,
located at 2 River St, Snow Hill, MD 21863

Please note: All paddling done by participants; some experience required. Must be 13 years old to participate. If you are reserving a tandem kayak or canoe, please plan to attend with a paddling partner. We can’t always guarantee another solo paddler will join you in a two-person boat. Thank you!

Paddling Nassawango Creek.

After we meet at the Pocomoke River Canoe Company in Snow Hill, we’ll be driven to the launch at Red House Road, a few miles northwest. From there, we’ll paddle Nassawango Creek deep into this forested wilderness of bald cypress. Prothonotary Warblers, Wood Ducks, Bald Eagles, and beavers are regulars on this 3-hour trip, which will end at the bridge on Nassawango Road.

On a windy day, this paddle can present a moderate challenge as we approach the Nassawango Road bridge. Paddlers may choose canoes, tandem kayaks, or solo kayaks.


Delaware Bay Seabirds (BOAT)
1:30 – 4:00 pm
$72/person (includes tip for crew of Thelma Dale V)
Guides: Chris Bennett, Anthony Gonzon, Russ Kovach & Guide TBD
Meeting Location: 
Fisherman’s Wharf 107 Anglers Rd, Lewes, DE 19958. GPS Coordinates: 38.776829, -75.137510

Join us for a 2.5-hour cruise of the waters around the mouth of the Delaware Bay aboard the Thelma Dale V. The boat features a heated cabin, benches along the lower deck rail, and a top deck for open-air viewing. We will visit the two stone breakwaters and the ice breakers in search of waterfowl and seabirds including gulls, cormorants, gannets and loons. Although late in the season, we also have a chance of seeing Harbor and/or Gray Seals that haul out on the rocks (we saw them in April 2024). Bottlenose Dolphins are a possibility, too! Restrooms are available on board, and coolers (with off-centered ales from Dogfish Head 😀) are welcome.

We are coordinating the boat trips around low tide, which will offer better views if the seals are hauled out on the lower breakwater rocks. Low tide for Lewes on April 27 is 2:44 pm.

Great Cormorant and Gray Seals, photos courtesy of Barbara Clipper.

Please note:

  • No cancellations are accepted after April 10, 2025. For a further explanation of our refund policy, please click here.
  • Trips will go rain or shine, unless torrential rains prevent us from viewing wildlife.
  • If the trip is canceled due to dangerous conditions, we will notify you via email. Please note that the email will be sent to all participants BCC, so you may need to check your email spam folder. A full refund will be provided within 15 days.