Songbirds of the Swamp: June 13 – 15

Registration will open before May 1, 2025. Field trips listed below are from the 2024 event. We may change some field trip offerings before registration opens.
The Bald Cypress Swamps of the Pocomoke River that surround the Furnace Town Historic Site near Snow Hill, Maryland are referred to as “The Northernmost of the Southern Swamps.” In June, the swamp is teeming with neotropical migrants that nest and raise young in the cool, dark forest. This ecosystem is so critical for nesting songbirds that it has been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by the National Audubon Society. 88 species were tallied during our 2024 event!
During June 13 – 15, we’ll search for warblers, vireos, flycatchers, tanagers and more as we explore the swamps and upland forests of the Pocomoke River and Nassawango Creek by kayak, canoe and on foot. We’ll also venture into the nearby Chincoteague Bay watershed to search for birds of the coastal marshes.
Before and after your birding adventures, we encourage you to visit beautiful, historic Snow Hill and learn about the rich history of the twenty-five acres of Furnace Town, the 19th century village of the Nassawango Iron Furnace.
Scroll down this page for field trip info!
Friday morning, June 13
Nutter’s Neck/Nanticoke River Wildlife Management Area (DRIVING/HIKING)
Date: Friday, June 13
Time: 8:00 – 11:00 am
Cost: $30/person
Guides: TBD
Meeting Location: for our exact meeting location, use GPS coordinates: 38.376939, -75.804083. There is no reliable street address in the Quantico, MD area. From Cherry Walk Road, drive ~1.8 miles along the dirt road to our meeting location. For a Google Map of the location, please click here.

Join your guides as we explore the 1,587-acre Nutter’s Neck Tract of the Nanticoke River Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Managed by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, this area offers some of the best birding in Wicomico County. There are extensive forested areas, open fields, and excellent hedgerows for birding. There are trails for hiking, and plenty of open areas for observation. The tract is bordered on the north by Manumsco and Rewastico Creeks, on the south by Quantico Creek, and to the west by the Nanticoke River.
More than 170 species have been reported on eBird for Nutter’s Neck. Ospreys nest on the property, and eagles and other raptors are common. Northern Bobwhite nest here. Wild Turkeys are common. During June, the hedgerows provide a feeding and nesting areas for Indigo Buntings, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Prairie Warblers. For more information, please visit the site description on the Birder’s Guide to Maryland & DC.
Friday evening, June 13
Byrd Park & Summerfield Trails (HIKING)
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 pm (sunset is 8:26 pm)
Guides: TBD
Cost: $30/person
Meeting Location: Byrd Park, located at 400 Dighton Avenue, Snow Hill, MD 21863. GPS coordinates for specific meeting location: 38.173903, -75.401944 – please park in the gravel lot between the basketball courts and the picnic pavilions
We will meet in Byrd Park along the beautiful Pocomoke River in Snow Hill, MD. Here, we will search for birds along the river’s edge and in the tall trees of the park. We will then walk just a few blocks to the trailhead for the new Summerfield Trails. The first phase of the trail opened on April 27, 2024. The Summerfield Trail will eventually connect to the Wildlands Trail, currently under construction, linking the Town of Snow Hill to Shad Landing at Pocomoke River State Park. Along the trail, we will seek warblers, tanagers, woodpeckers and more in the upland forest and along the edge of the Bald Cypress swamp. Whooooo knows, we may even encounter a Barred Owl as the sun begins set! After the tour ends at 7:00 pm, feel free to join your guides for dinner and/or drinks at one of Snow Hill’s restaurants.
Please note: Total hiking will be close 2 or 2.5 miles at an easy pace on mostly flat trails. Bring bug spray and boots or shoes that may get wet. Prepare in advance for ticks, which we may encounter when hiking along the Summerfield Trails.
Saturday morning, June 14
Songbirds of Furnace Town (HIKING)
Time: 8:00 – 11:00 am
Guides: TBD
Cost: $35/person (Cost includes admission to Furnace Town for the morning birding tour and the evening concert. Scroll down to learn more!)
Meeting Location: meet in the parking area along Millville Road next to Furnace Town, located at 3816 Old Furnace Rd, Snow Hill, MD 21863. GPS coordinates: 38.204032, -75.471253

We’ll hike along the trails of the Furnace Town Historic Site, nestled between the Pocomoke State Forest and The Nature Conservancy’s Nassawango Creek Preserve. These forests are characterized by large areas of Loblolly Pine, mixed pine-hardwood, bottomland hardwood, and Bald Cypress trees. Along the trails, we’ll search for breeding neotropical migrants such as warblers, vireos, flycatchers and tanagers. 47 species were tallied during the 2023 field trip, including Acadian Flycatcher, Summer Tanager and Kentucky Warbler! We’ll begin the tour from 8:00 to 9:00 am exploring the trails and pond outside the Furnace Town fences. At 9:00 am, we’ll enter the grounds of the historic site to bird the property until 11:00 am.
Please note: Prepare in advance for ticks, which we may encounter when walking through the trails at Furnace Town. Total hike should not exceed two miles on flat trails.
Special offer for our DBW Birders! All participants in the morning walk at Furnace Town are invited back that evening for a Summer Music Concert from 5:00 – 8:00 pm! Your morning entry fee covers the cost of admission to the evening concert. Click here or scroll down to learn more!
Saturday afternoon, June 14
Baywater Landing to Truitt’s Landing (DRIVING/HIKING)
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Guides: TBD
Cost: $30/person
Meeting Location: the Baywater Landing Marina, located at 3908 Bayside Rd, Snow Hill, MD 21863. GPS coordinates: 38.132476, -75.299204
We’ll meet at the Baywater Landing Marina east of Snow Hill, MD, before departing on a two-stop caravan tour for birding along the landings of Maryland’s Chincoteague Bay. At Baywater Landing, we’ll scan the skies for terns and raptors, and we’ll seek shorebirds and wading birds in the salt marsh. We’ll also meet a representative from Baywater Landing, who will introduce us to the marina, their seafood operation, and the wildlife they encounter. We’ll then caravan to Figgs Landing, where we will scan the shallow ponds for shorebirds and wading birds. 109 species have been recorded here for June, including Glossy Ibis and Black-necked Stilt. From Figgs Landing, we will drive a short distance to Truitt’s Landing, where we will explore the marshes for Seaside Sparrows and shorebirds. Total driving distance between sites is less than 8 miles.
Saturday evening, June 14
Summer Music at Furnace Town (LIVE MUSIC)
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Band: Bryan & the Barn Owls
Cost: DBW Birders who participate in the Saturday morning hike at Furnace Town get in free!
Meeting Location: Furnace Town, located at 3816 Old Furnace Rd, Snow Hill, MD 21863. GPS coordinates: 38.204032, -75.471253

Sunday morning, June 15
Neotropicals on the Nassawango – Red House Road to Nassawango Bridge (KAYAK/CANOE)
Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Guides: TBD
Cost: $65/person sharing a canoe ($120 total), $80/person solo kayak, $50/person with your own boat & portage (please note: cost includes 11% tax added to rentals by Pocomoke River Canoe Co.)
Meeting Location: Pocomoke River Canoe Company, located at 2 River St, Snow Hill, MD 21863
Please note: All paddling done by participants; some experience required. Must be 13 years old to participate. If you are reserving a tandem kayak or canoe, please plan to attend with a paddling partner. We can’t always guarantee another solo paddler will join you in a two-person boat. Thank you!

After we meet at the Pocomoke River Canoe Company in Snow Hill, we’ll be driven to the launch at Red House Road, a few miles northwest. From there, we’ll paddle Nassawango Creek deep into this forested wilderness of bald cypress. Prothonotary Warblers, Wood Ducks, Bald Eagles, and beavers are regulars on this 3-hour trip, which will end at the bridge on Nassawango Road.
On a windy day, this paddle can present a moderate challenge as we approach the Nassawango Road bridge. Paddlers may choose canoes, tandem kayaks, or solo kayaks.
Click on the Google Map for specific meeting locations for all field trips and events:
Please note:
- No cancellations are accepted after June 1, 2025. For a further explanation of our refund policy, please click here.
- Trips will go rain or shine, unless torrential rains prevent us from viewing wildlife.
- If the trip is canceled due to dangerous conditions, we will notify you via email. Please note that the email will be sent to all participants BCC, so you may need to check your email spam folder. A full refund will be provided within 15 days.
- Food and drink are not included in the cost for field trips.
- Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for June weather near the coast.
- Bugs are a part of our natural environment. You can expect and prepare for flies, mosquitoes and ticks during some field trips. Be sure to bring insect repellent. For information about preventing tickborne diseases, please click here.
- Carry sunscreen, sunglasses and/or a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
- Bring rain gear as all events are rain or shine. We only cancel trips due to dangerous weather, such as lightning or strong winds.
- Try to arrive a little before the scheduled trip departs.
- Most trips are not appropriate for young children. Please use your discretion when registering.
- Be courteous to your fellow birders. Speak quietly and turn off cell phones during trips.
- Restroom facilities may not be available on some trips.
- All reservations will be confirmed via email.