Join our flock – become a sponsor!
Since 1995, birders have migrated to the Delmarva Peninsula each April to participate in the Spring Delmarva Birding Weekend. The event features guided bird watching field trips in some of the East Coast’s premier wildlife refuges and parks.
In 2016, two Delmarva Birding Weekends took flight: the inaugural Winter Birding Weekend, held in January, and the 21st annual Spring Birding Weekend, held in April.
In addition to the Winter and Spring Delmarva Birding Weekends, we now offer monthly “Beans, Birds & Beers” field trips, which pairs great birding with local coffee shops and breweries.
We work with Smith Island to run special summer trips to Maryland’s only inhabited island to visit one of the northernmost Brown Pelican nesting colonies on the East Coast. We host Sunset Seabird Safaris to view summer nesting colonial waterbirds, herons, egrets and ibis in Maryland’s coastal bays behind Ocean City and Assateague Island. We also partner with Patterson Park Audubon Center to host the Baltimore Birding Weekend, the Maryland Ornithological Society to host their annual convention.
Sponsoring the Delmarva Birding Weekends and our associated birding programs puts your business directly in view of our birders, who spend over $100,000 while they’re here on lodging, meals, transportation, and outdoor fun. Nationwide, 47 million birders spend nearly $107 billion annually on travel and equipment-related expenditures associated with birding, and generate $13 billion in local, state, and federal tax revenue. Sponsors also receive media attention from this heavily advertised events with substantial state and county media support.
Sponsorships will apply to both the Winter and Spring Delmarva Birding Weekends, Beans, Birds & Beers, Smith Island experiences, Sunset Seabird Safaris, and the Delmarva Paddling Weekend. Sponsorship levels are tailored to suit any business. Join our flock and promote your business to one of the largest growing sectors of the outdoor travel industry!
Sponsorship Categories & Benefits
Bald Eagle Sponsor – $5,000
- Naming opportunity for one major event (i.e. – Spring DBW, Winter DBW)
- Your large prominent logo and website link at the top of the right sidebar of the Delmarva Birding Weekends website
- Your large prominent logo and website link at the bottom of all DBW e-newsletters, distributed to 6,000+ subscribers
- Your business/organization name with live link listed on all DBW email confirmations
Snowy Owl Sponsor – $2,500
- Your large prominent logo and website link on the right sidebar of the Delmarva Birding Weekends website (below Bald Eagle sponsors)
- Your large prominent logo and website link at the bottom of all DBW e-newsletters, distributed to 6,000+ subscribers (below Bald Eagle sponsors)
- Your business/organization name with live link listed on all DBW email confirmations
Brown Pelican Sponsor – $1,000
- Your logo grouped with other Brown Pelican sponsors on the right sidebar of the Delmarva Birding Weekends website, with a link to the sponsor page with individual business links (below Snowy Owl sponsors)
- Your logo grouped with other Brown Pelican sponsors at the bottom of all Delmarva Birding Weekends e-newsletters, with a link to the sponsor page with individual business links (below Snowy Owl sponsors) distributed to 6,000+ subscribers
- Your business/organization name listed on all DBW email confirmations
Glossy Ibis Sponsor – $500
- Your large printed name with other Glossy Ibis sponsors on the right sidebar of the Delmarva Birding Weekends website, with a link to the sponsor page with individual business links (below Brown Pelican sponsors)
- Your large printed name with other Glossy Ibis sponsors at the bottom of all Delmarva Birding Weekends e-newsletters, with a link to the sponsor page with individual business links (below Brown Pelican sponsors) distributed to 6,000+ subscribers
- Your business/organization name listed on all DBW email confirmations
Royal Tern Sponsor – $250
- Your small printed name with other Royal Tern sponsors on the right sidebar of the Delmarva Birding Weekends website, with a link to the sponsor page with individual business links (below Glossy Ibis sponsors)
- Your small printed name with other Royal Tern sponsors at the bottom of all Delmarva Birding Weekends e-newsletters, with a link to the sponsor page with individual business links (below Glossy Ibis sponsors) distributed to 6,000+ subscribers